My mother-in-law was telling me a story last night about a doctor she took her first child to (so this was over 35 years ago). The doctor told her that our diet has nothing to do with our health! How completely illogical! Well it led to a discussion on food, specifically grains. She talked about the importance of fermented grains or soaked grains. Today I found literature to back up what she told me last night. The following paragraph is quoted from NOURISHING TRADITIONS by Sally Fallon, a cookbook that challenges poliitcally correct nutrition and the diet dictocrats.
Scientist have learned that the proteins in grains, especially gluten, are very difficult to digest. A diet high in unfermented whole grains, particularly high-gluten grains like wheat, puts an enormous strain on the whole digestive mechanism. When this mechanism breaks down with age or overuse, the results take the form of allergies, celiac disease, mental illness, chronic indigestion and candida albicans overgrowth. Recent research links gluten intolerance with multiple sclerosis. During the process of soaking and fermenting, gluten and other difficult to digest proteins are partially broken down into simpler components that are more readily available for absorption.
Animals that nourish themselves primarily on grain and other plant matter have as many as four stomachs. Their intestines are longer as is the entire digestion transit time. Man, on the other hand, has but one stomach and a much shorter intestine compared to herbivorous animals. These feature of his anatomy allow him to pass animal products before they putrefy in the gut but make him less well adapted to a diet high in grains- unless, of course he lets the friendly bacteria of the microscopic world do some of his digesting for him in a container, just as these same lactobacilli do their work in the first and second stomachs of the herbivores.
So my first attempt to follow this nutritional advice is to make Irish Oatmeal.
Soak 1 cup irish oats for 7-24 hours in two cup of warm water with 4 Tablespoons of yogurt or buttermilk.
Bring an additional 1 1/2 cups of water and 1 t of salt to boil add soaked oats and cook over very low heat for 10 min.
In additional reading I've discovered that the bread recipes have you soak the flour! More recipes to follow.
Cool--keep us posted with more recipes and info!
so, how did it taste?
I am so excited to learn more! What about sprouted grains? Sprouted wheat has 600% more vitamin C and other sprouted grains have from 30-6000 times the vitamins. Yes, I said six thousand!
Interesting. I just learned that quinoa is gluten-free. I have a great recipe for pesto quinoa if you want it.
yum yum yum. i've been reading nourishing traditions over the last few months and trying to implement soaking, sprouting, lacto-fermentation, stocks, etc. it's a little overwhelming, but if i do one thing at a time eventually i'll get there. check out for great recipes.
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