In art we are never in complete control of how a piece will be interpreted. "How will this be viewed by the spectator?", college professors often asked. This String/Mirror series directly deals with the spectator. The spectator actually becomes apart of the piece. They literally get wrapped up in it! It is my hope that these pieces will become personal and introspective to those who view them.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
By Way of the Spectators Eyes
In art we are never in complete control of how a piece will be interpreted. "How will this be viewed by the spectator?", college professors often asked. This String/Mirror series directly deals with the spectator. The spectator actually becomes apart of the piece. They literally get wrapped up in it! It is my hope that these pieces will become personal and introspective to those who view them.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Capitol Reef
Brian was out of school for a couple of weeks so we took advantage of the free time and headed south. Before we actually entered the park we pulled off and found a side canyon to hike up. Since it was unmarked we felt inclined to give the place a name, Conglomerate Canyon! We found eye-catching rocks with every step. We scrambled our way up the canyon until the sun started to set. By the time we got back down we weren't quite sure where our car was, but all those carrots we eat, paid off and we found it. We drove off to find the camp-ground in the park, but ended up going back to Conglomerate Canyon because the campground was full. The next morning we nourished ourselves with pigs-in-a-blanket! Hebrew National hotdogs wrapped in Pilsbury poppin' fresh dough. I think Brian had about 4 that morning, YUM!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
All wrapped up
I got this blog started a little latter then my sisters were hoping. For a decent reason though! I've been all wrapped up in string! My most recent art involves the imagery of string. That imagery has taken on a symbolic meaning for me, in part due to a quote by C.S. Lewis
"A wrong sum can be put right but only by going back till you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on. Evil can be undone, but it cannot 'develope' into good, time does not heal it. The spell must be unwound bit by bit...."
So, we've got to untie and untangle those knots or wrong sums. If we don't we'll all end up in a big tangled mess!
Arms-Length Snap-Shots!
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